Farmville Secrets is a guide created by Tony “T Dubs” Sanders. He offers his research and experience from the game to all of us who don’t have the time to figure out all there is to know about Farmville. Plus he includes an extra report titled “Free Farmville Cash”. All of these are available at his site Farmville Secrets.

Check Out The Official Site Of These Real Farmville Secrets

I found his guide after going through a few others. Most guides seem to run on a similar theme. Plant this a lot, keep planting that, when you get to this level, plant this instead, rinse repeat, not very informative. Farmville Secrets goes the next step I was looking for by making a complete guide that explains the very basics to the most complicate
d parts of the game.

What Farmville Secrets Does For You:

  • Build up Farmville Cash and Coins as fast as possible.
  • The best tips to increase leveling speed.
  • Great advice to inviting tons of neighbors.
  • How to layout your farm in an efficient way.
  • An overall Step-by-Step guide on the whole game.
There are several sections explaining each element of the game such as, vehicles, decorations, animals, trees, etc. The sections are very informative in how to use each of these parts of the game to your advantage. Each one is complimented with graphics showing what he is explaining. One thing I liked quite a bit was his layout of crops and items and how doing it this way saves lots of time harvesting/plowing/planting. I never gave much thought into how to setup my farm and this will save you the time by doing it right from the beginning and not have to delete plots and reposition everything later.

Other sections in the guide include Ribbons. Have you every thought
“How do I get all of the ribbons!?” Well luckily there is a complete guide to each ribbon of how to get it the quickest way; some seem harder than they actually are. Obtaining each one is a good idea as they all give exp and coins.

The most helpful part of the guide is all about leveling and coins. There is a nice segment on what to plant at what level and what to use your Coins and Farmville Cash on without wasting it. Farmville cash is limited, so you don’t want to spend it on just

In Conclusion the guide is worthwhile to anyone playing the game at any skill level. Is it worth the money? Well that’s up to you I suppose. You will do fine in the game without it and probably obtain the goals you want to reach eventually. The point of the guide is to level as fast as possible, gain as much coin and Farmville Cash as possible. And to know all the little secrets of the game to help in the speed of harvesting crops and all the other things that need Micro-Managing.

If none of that is important to you then I would say pass it up, otherwise check out these Real Farmville Secrets.